Looking for pay advice, or any of the great courses offered online through Covenant Health? (Please note that these services require staff to have an active Covenant Health email with a current password)
- On your home computer or mobile device please go to my.compassionnet.ca.
- If at work, please go to www.compassionnet.ca.
Need help? Contact Alberta Health Services Information Technology help line at (780) 735-4357.
The most popular resources available on CompassionNet include:
- Pay advice (click ePeople requires Internet Explorer)
- Online courses and education (click CLiC requires Chrome or Firefox)
- Parenteral Manual
All three can be found at the top of the CompassionNet homepage.
On CompassionNet, we also have access to a variety of online databases, found under ‘Library Services.’ The most recommended one for nursing is the Nursing Resource Centre. This can be reached through the Library Services page.